Taung Dam final

Taung Final 5 Entries available for R1000 each

Hi Guys we are selling off 5 entries for a R1000 each
We have had 4 cancellations and one not auctioned.
Send a mail to accounts@ebass.co.za if you are interested.

More info Regarding Taung Final

  • Bring a generator if you have one in the event of power issues
  • Please bring your own boat food if you are not ordering from the lodge
  • Remember drinks for boat and in the evening if you are not ordering from lodge
  • The launch ramp and vehicle parking is going to be controlled so please co-operate with our requests as parking is limited.
  • A reminder for extra bedding in the event of a problem

Practice day

We are requesting that all participants do not hook but “shake” their fish to preserve them for tournament day.
Please bring your video cameras so we can get some videos to make a great compilation to assist us in getting sponsors.

We are going to hold a Captains meeting on Thursday evening in the Marque.

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